Photos: Thomas Rötting
More than just training!
Sabrina's traveling
I take some time off to travel through South America.
If you'd love to follow along - find me on social media. Links at the end of the page.
I also write a Climbing-Travelblog.
Get your private online Pilates- or Active Mobility class now.
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Love to hear from you!
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Hello and welcome to my webpage. My name is Sabrina Eberl.
I'm your BASI (What is BASI?) certified Pilates trainer. What is Pilates?
Gruppenkurse und Personal Taining
Which are your goals?
- Fitness and health: Pilates group- and privatlessons waken body and mind
- Reduce backpain: Powerfull coremuscels straighten your spine, streches and relaxation force mobility
- Weightloss & muscle growth: Healthy and balanced nutrition is the key.
I can help you with an indivudual strategy to combine movement and nutrition in the daily life
What is your inner temptation saying? Tell me, I love to hear it!
The ecological footprint: My support and advice always regards a sustainable way of life.
Updated february 29th 2024
Gift voucher
for an hour of personal training with Sabrina in Immenstadt or nearby.
Costs are 45€ online // 65€ in the studio